Strength Through Understanding

Welcome to our series of proven online workshops for teenagers and parents that will:

  • Build personal resilience and reduce stress

  • Boost confidence and performance at school

  • Increase motivation and develop a positive mindset

 Resilience and Wellbeing Workshops
Workshops for Revision and Exam Success
Motivational and Personal Development Workshops
FREE Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources 
Founded in 2017, Resilient Me's proven workshops and resources have helped thousands of students and parents to fully understand, anticipate and control stress-related health issues. 
With a proper understanding and the right mindset in place, students have then gone on to develop essential revision and personal development skills for exams, sixth form and beyond.
-  Online workshops and resources available to parents, children and schools anywhere at any time. 
-  Delivered in 15-minute video modules, each followed by a recap test to reinforce key learnings
-  Just £19 per student per workshop (discounted packages available) 

Introducing our Flagship Workshop

The Circus of Life

Our flagship workshop, ‘The Circus of Life’, has introduced thousands of people to a whole new way of thinking about their own and other's mental health, their personal wellbeing and their ongoing self-development.


Parents and Students Feedback

“The workshop is a must have and I believe everyone should take the time to do it.”

H.S. - Milton Keynes

"I feel more confident about helping my children and about tackling my own stress issues"

J.N. - Brighton, UK
"Excellent illustrations of the techniques that students can use to aid their revision and memory." 
P.S. - Sussex, UK

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